Tulsa Calibration : Micrometer Calibrations
Travis: Hello everybody, this is Travis.
Nate: Hey, this is Nate.
Travis: And we’re here with Precision Calibrations. Today, we are going to rock your world with micrometer calibrations.
Nate: That’s Tulsa Calibration micrometer calibrations.
Travis: Not to be confused with Chattanooga Calibrations.
Nate: That’s right. So what do you know about micrometers Travis? Kick is off with some of your youthful years of experience with this.
Travis: Well, I know that they are just the funnest tool ever.
Nate: So what do you do, measure? What do you use it for? Use it at home?
Travis: I like to measure my kid’s crayons with is, ya know? We have a strict crayon coloring rule, from three to four only, so I get down there and I know if they’re worn using those micrometer calibrations, that they were coloring outside the lines, weren’t they?
Nate: Yup, yup yup.
Travis: So let’s talk about the old workhorse industry. These micrometers have been around since 1876. I think you were around back then. Why don’t you tell us a little about it.
Nate: That sounds a little too far back for me, but what I do know about them, is we got a lot of customers that use these micrometers. Production facilities, manufacturing facilities, you know? These things are useful for production and maintaining specifications. The operators use these as they’re making parts, and checking items down to ten-thousandths of an inch.
Travis: You keep saying these. What are these Tulsa Calibration ? Are you talking about micrometer calibrations in Tulsa, Oklahoma?
Nate: Exactly, exactly. So these micrometers, they’re only going to last for so long. Operators using them, abusing them, dropping them.
Travis: So what makes these micrometer calibrations stay more precise? Can someone knock them out of calibration? Do they always stay in calibration?
Nate: Yeah, I think the operators, they get sloppy with them sometimes. You know, there’s a certain way, a correct way to use the micrometer and unless somebody knows the correct way to use the micrometer, then the micrometer calibrations can become quite challenging.
Travis: Well Nate, I’ll tell you what. You sure had me hungry for some micrometer calibrations, I’m telling you what, here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. If you are looking to get your micrometers calibrated, you will find no better service with integrity, and results. If we hand you a micrometer back, if it’s good, it’s good. If it’s bad, you don’t want it in your shop.
Nate: That is true, that is true. We use just the best gauge blocks that are accurate to two to five millionths of an inch. Micrometers, you know, they’re only using those to measure ten-thousandths of an inch or so.
Travis: That’s why I keep such good track of my kid’s crayon usage. Too much crayon usage, it’s very important to keep those micrometers calibrated to make sure that, cause you don’t want to accuse them of coloring outside the lines if they’re not coloring outside the lines.
Nate: I mean, you’ll be surprised what ten-thousandths of an inch can do to a good coloring job.
Travis: I know! You know what? That’s the first time we’ve agreed all day Tulsa Calibration.
All right, my understanding is, there’s quite a few different types of micrometers that can be calibrated.
Nate: You know, there is actually. You’ve got inside micrometers, measuring inside of bored out bores in manufacturing. You’ve got outside, OD micrometers that measure the outside whether it be a plug gauge, or I don’t know.
Travis: Plug gauge you say man? You just got everything you needed to start doing plug gauges, is that right?
Nate: That’s correct.
Travis: I think that should be our podcast number two. We should talk about plug gauges. But right now, we’re talking about micrometer calibrations in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So if you need your micrometers calibrated, and you’re looking for somebody that’s best on price, best on quality, you should definitely give Nate a call up at Precision Calibrations. What’s that phone number Nate?
Nate: Yeah, the number is 918-978-3378 Tulsa Calibration
Travis: So if you were going to get an OD micrometer, and you were going to calibrate it, how would you go about doing that?
Nate: Well, when we get the micrometers in, it’s real important that they acclimate. It’s real important that –
Travis: What do you mean they acclimate?
Nate: Well [crosstalk 00:04:17]
Travis: Like, they tell jokes and everybody starts hanging out?
Nate: Before the calibration can be done in Tulsa, the micrometer needs to acclimate in temperature primarily. You know, temperature is a big factor when it comes to metal and the way that it swells and shrinks. Temperature can have a big influence on getting correct measurements and being accurate with your measurements. Tulsa Calibration We bring the micrometer in to the lab, and we’ll give it a 24 hour period to acclimate to the temperature so we can ensure only the best, most accurate measurement possible. We keep really close eye on temperature. Matter of fact –
Travis: So, what you’re saying is when we’re going to do a micrometer calibration in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we’re keeping a close eye on the temperature. Could you be more specific on that? Do you have a specification that you try to stay within? Do you adhere to some kind of greater authority, or do you just pick a number that just feels good to you.
Nate: So in our lab, where we do our calibrations, we maintain a tight tolerance of temperature and humidity to the standards of ISO-17025 and our quality manual. The temperatures, like I said, are maintained. We know that it’s important to keep the same temperature when we’re doing the micrometer calibration, makes a big difference for the accuracy of it. The room …
Travis: The room has a lot of attention to detail then, to make sure that the good product goes out the door when you’re doing a micrometer calibration is what it sounds like to me. Would you say that’s a fair statement Tulsa Calibration?
Nate: Yeah, that’s a fair statement, that’s a fair statement.
Travis: All right, so I’ve noticed that when you’re doing these micrometers, there’s this little doohickey on the spindle on these things. And I’ve played with it and played with it, and I just can’t figure out what it is. Can you give us a little bit more instruction on what that spindle, I mean, that’s go so many little numbers and digits, I just assumed that was how many crayons my kids can have till the next one, you know? So what is that spindle there [crosstalk 00:06:24] when you’re doing a micrometer calibration in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Nate: [crosstalk 00:06:24] So I think that you’re referring to, maybe you’re referring to how you read the measurement on the barrel of it? Is that what you’re referring to?
Travis: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s right. With the verniers I think.
Nate: Yeah, exactly.
Travis: Could you be more specific?
Nate: Well, I’ll tell you what, that might just have to be a topic that we’ll talk at one of our other podcasts. We’ll just have to go right down in detail and talk about what it takes to read it, because of the divisions, it just takes training. Guys gotta be able to get a little bit of training on it, but these vernier micrometers are very impressive. They can measure very reliably for a very long time. I’ve seen micrometers that come back dated back in the, well, I guess I really don’t know for sure what date they were. They looked old. I’m surprised they’re still being used, but they –
Travis: Hey, have you found that some of those tools, or would you say the majority of the tools that are old that have been well taken care of, are still working just as good today? Or would you rather have a new one coming from China?
Nate: No, let’s keep all of our purchases in the U.S.A. is what I say about that, but –
Travis: So when we’re doing micrometer calibrations, what you’re telling me is that they all have verniers, or most of them have verniers?
Nate: No, you know what? I cut my teeth in calibrations actually using digital mostly, or seeing digital mostly, so they’ve made it real simple, you know. Now there’s digital display, makes it real easy to read, use a micrometer these days.
Travis: But being an accredited 17025 lab, that does micrometer calibrations in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I gotta imaging that you’re prepared to be able to calibrate just about any of these micrometers. So I would think that you’re pretty familiar with all of them.
Nate: Yeah, we just started the list talking about how many there were. Tulsa Calibration There are a lot of micrometers. And the thing is Travis, you also have to see is the micrometer head, when you remove it from the frame, of the micrometer. This head, and this barrel, and this 10-thousandth accuracy in the threads, and how it’s made is a very reliable instrument. It’s actually used in a lot of other applications where the micrometer head will be attached to multiple different types of situations in manufacturing and what not. So they can be used in a lot of different ways, so it brings also new challenges in how to calibrate them as well, because of the different applications.
Travis: Man, it sounds to me with these micrometer calibrations in Tulsa, Oklahoma, these sound like a really good, workhorse, reliable tool. Would you say that you see most of all your customers have these if they’re any kind of, if they’re doing any kind of shop work, [crosstalk 00:09:12] manufacturing, quality?
Nate: Manufacturing, everywhere in manufacturing you see it. A lot of the machine shops where they’re using lathes and machining tools, they’re using micrometers a lot. Calipers, different things, different hand tools. You realize too that if you have a micrometer that’s not reading correctly, you can make adjustments to them. A lot of people don’t know how to do that, don’t realize that you can.
Travis: Man, that sounds like a great topic for podcast number two, because it looks like we’re running out of time right now for podcast number one. Is there anything that we left out that’s critical that you want to throw in here on your first podcast ever?
Nate: You know what, I’ll tell you, no. ISO-17025 accreditation, for this Tulsa Calibration micrometer calibration in Tulsa.
Travis: All right man. Sounds good. This has been Travis.
Nate: And Nate.
Travis: With Precision Calibrations. Thanks for listening and we look forward to servicing your needs soon.