Tulsa Calibrations : Big Help
All right well hello everybody.
Welcome This is Travis with precision calibrations. Oh we’re out here again. We’re discussing and all your needs here in Tulsa.
So if you if you’ve gone all week and you’ve had a good week you’ve had a bad week somewhere in the middle and you find yourself in need of Tulsa calibrations. You know we were out here we went to a couple of new places this week had some fun with that.
And it it’s always fun to go on neuk side new client to figure out what they need what their needs are how we can accommodate them. You know we were doing a pressure station and it was you know kind of just going through the motions. You know I we just sat here and chitchat.
You know it’s funny when meeting our new client because you’ve got to got to think about the big picture. You know what they need.
Why are you there. What’s going to help them out the most. And what’s the proper way to calibrate the square to make sure that the readings it’s given Omaar good so let’s do on a pressor station and it’s a high pressure station went from zero to 5000 pounds and that’s pounds per square inch of course. You know here it also calibrations we we want to make sure that we’re talking in the right units of measure. I know that can that can get confusing sometimes people take that for granted. So we just you know we always want to try to make sure we’re using the right units of measurement when we’re talking on behalf of Tulsa calibrations and the guys here precision calibrations. So as I say in this this pressure unit it’s a high pressure unit and it goes from zero to 5000 pounds and it had some electronic readers on it that was displaying the one I was messing with was displaying pressure but it also had an output too that was just relaying data signal from a from a TC follow through on to another temperature display. And that was of zero to 5000 pounds transducer hooked up to this display. And you know it can always be fun when you’re taking on new gear for the first time. You don’t know what’s going on you don’t know the history of the gear you don’t know if it’s got a violent vibration when it’s in use if it’s normally quiet or loud. You know also it can be fun.
So I get on there and I take the transducer off and go to calibrate the display and it’s a $4.20 signal. So I throw four four volts on there or I’m sorry $4 amps on there. And I said I should go 0. Right.
I mean Tulsa calibrations for the 20 millionth signal on something you give it a 4 million signal.
I’m expecting a zero output What does zero output guys. No sir it was a 6 6 x x 6. So what are you going to do. Well I went ahead and threw 12 million amps on it. Should’ve seen twenty five hundred. Do you think goes all twenty five hundred. Nope.
Twenty five hundred six six not twenty five hundred twenty five hundred and six. So. Then. You know what’s the next logical thing to do. Though a 20 on it right. So Liam’s on it. And what do you think we saw that Dan six again. So I read five thousand six so I was reading 1 percent.
Well I should say Point 1 percent of the overall range of what that transducer could do but for 20 million signal you guys know when you’re doing calibrations is very very reliable. So go to calibrate it go through the motions and open up this manual and count. Calibration procedure and most those details can be trying those can be quite the pain in the butt.
And well this one didn’t let me down and the pain in the butt level it was right on cue for being a big old pain in the butt. So get the display calibrated and now it’s happy for zero Teunis five thousand twelve twenty five hundred nine.
What of the transducer chances you just got to go 12 on it. Negative 12.
So. I say. All right well let’s fix that.
So zero this transducer. Get it read and write.
0 0. And then.
I take it off my test equipment. And I put it back on their system and it’s off five pounds. So I go ahead I just do it again you get it back to zero perfectly. 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 and everything in between. Right. And then I go on and I do a bunch more calibrations and I just happened to start back by that bench to take a look at it. When the day was over and I’ll be damned if it wasn’t off negative one and a half pounds. So.
What are you going to do. Do you just leave it. I mean you calibrated it’s good. The measurements were right when he did it. I mean. It was working well I mean you can’t just keep recalibrate and recalibrate and recalibrate and but you know what customers. We have customers that stick with us for a long time because we do the right thing. You know we say it what would we do if we own this company and we knew everything that we know about the equipment. So I’m going to let them know hey man there’s you know that transducer adjustment must be very loose. You know that’s not something that can be fixed or rectified.
I would recommend this swap that transducer out because I have a feeling when you turn those put the system on and you pump up them big pumps.
I have a feeling that the vibration you’re just going to get there and keep change in the.
Accuracy of what we’re seeing the more you have bad data. So.
You know. That’s how that’s how we do business. If you if you’re going to if you’re going to mess with precision calibrations all the calibrations that we do you know we do a lot of calibrations also calibrations Claremore calibrations prior collaborations.
I know the calibrations takes us calibrations.
I mean if it needs to be calibrated we’re there.
But that’s that’s the that’s the integrity that you’re going to get. That’s what we bring from the military. You know because we know you know when you’re out to sea or you’re out in the desert you know you only got each other. You only got what you brought with you. So so if you knowingly bring a piece of shit or you knowingly leave a half worn out piece of shit that needs to be replaced or fixed or repaired while you have all the ability to do so and before something’s happened then you’re just lazy and you just let it go until it fails in the heat of battle or whenever you’re out to sea where it’s 15 times more expensive to resolve and 50 times more amount of work or somebody dies over it.
I mean yeah you might not necessarily been wrong to leave it. You know it was still good it was still doing its job. But if you’re a subject matter expert and you’ve got experience on things you know you’ve got to you’ve got to let people know you know you don’t make decisions for nobody that’s not your job that’s not what we’re for. But if you have information we’re going to give it to you and let you make the best decision possible. You know what are the end of the day. Our prices aren’t going to be beat or quality of work can’t be matched. And I mean we we stand behind we stand behind our services. We stand behind our people. We stand behind our process’s.
We’re always looking to improve. We’re always looking to grow.
We’re always looking to learn something new. My dad used to tell me before I started with Tulsa calibrations that if you learn and you die and if you die in the mines we’ll get on out of here as being time for nothing. So let’s keep on learning let’s keep on living. And you know you pick up the phone. You need to send send some request. Travis at precision calibrations dot com. You know if you Google this you can google this Tulsa calibrations or you can go to Google and you can google precision calibrations and that’ll bring us up you know if you’re in the Tulsa area. And you’re looking to get stuff calibrated and you’re looking more along the lines of Tulsa calibrations you know that’s good too because we’re just right down your backyard. Yeah.
Jump on the turnpike right there or go down Highway 169 and take it over to Highway 20 head east on Highway 20. Go on down about four miles and then go down Eatonville Hill come to the bottom of it. He’ll go over the Verdigris River start heading back to the east and you’re going to run right into Claremore.
Takes me about 20 25 minutes to get home. I live a little bit outside of town. You know a little little bit a couple of acres there. So you know about 25 minutes is not too far. You know it right there not so. Safely in the bosom of Claremore Oklahoma. You know just some some veterans working hard you know with high integrity high process’s with with with results. You know if you give us your tool and you tell us you need it calibrated Tulsa calibrations is going to get it going. You’re not going to get something back from Tulsa calibrations that precision calibrations calibrated in the Tulsa calibration area that’s messed up. You know if it’s bad it’s bad we ain’t going to play no games. And if you got any need for Tulsa calibrations call us up precision calibrations call Travis at 9 1 8 6 1 9 3 5 2 5