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Tulsa Calibrations : Hand Tools

Well we’re back talking about Tilsa calibrations. I’m sitting here doing a podcast with Travis and trying to discuss some things that might be appealing and interesting to our readers. We appreciate that you’ve come to the Web site that you’re checking out this. I doubt very seriously that you’re going to be listening to this but there is going to be some verbiage where a person could read it if they’re interested in. If someone is so interested in calibrations and tells the calibrations they might they might just take to take the time and kicked their feet up on their couch at home and sit here and listen to this stuff from. Read it. Maybe we’ll get something out of it. I’m sure there’s got to be some good some good knowledge that comes out of this other than just a bunch of crazy talking and trying to get content out there on the Web site so we can get some good views and get some people checking us out so we can get more business news in Tulsa calibrations. So anyway it’s the weekend again it’s Friday. Interesting enough. We come here every Friday and prepare for the weekend and so the spirits are high and hopes are high. We made it through another week. So what’s Travis doing now. What do you got going on.

Tulsa calibrations I’m Travis discolorations. You know I thought we’d spend some of this time telling some sea stories man. Oh yeah but this would be a good week. So again we’re talking about Tulsa calibrations we can’t ever forget about Tulsa calibrations because without Tulsa calibrations none of this is possible. That’s right. Tulsa did many deployments over our long vast naval careers but I thought it be fun. Let’s talk about our first deployment our first deployment first deployment. You want to go first. You want me to I mean you can attempt to. I got a terrible memory about some. You know I mean it was me it was the 20s on your first point. So that was a while ago calibrations. That’s right. Need to come calibrate your memory. Yeah. I wish I could. OK.

So do you remember about the about the Great White Fleet that sail so well you know for me I mean the first time I was of course I was in the submarine submarines and so we spent most of our time in the shipyard at first. So that’s one of the points that we’re talking about are first of all the kind of work up to it because there has to be some understanding that it’s like there’s not really deployment that took place for a lot of years so I mean we went out on the boat and did surface sea trials and spent a lot of time out doing our thing as submariners but never really was a deployment until several years later. So I guess that when we won’t go alert.

Maybe that’s what you’re talking about as being a deployment because we can’t give the we can’t give the Germans or Latymer or Putin any of our Taso calibrations naval secrets.

That’s true. So be careful to not disclose this call blowing the pooch blow the pooch.

OK. So that’s.

All right. Calibrations. All right. So let’s see what did we do so will we. So yeah we got to get on our boat and take off. And it was a pretty cool experience the first time because you know especially being on a you know a submarine which of course try not talked too much about any secret stuff but it’s pretty cool though when you’re topside you’re taken off because they’re so quiet. You know you don’t hear anything you don’t hear the motors you don’t hear anything you just you just cruise across the water and that’s pretty neat. That’s pretty dull.

I didn’t realize that they had submarines whenever they sailed the Great White Fleet from England over across the Atlantic.

Well somebody was trying to do something underwater. And so I don’t know if they call them submarines. I don’t know.

It’s hard to say man Taso calibrations are funny like that. Somebody will do what they got to do. I mean the Great War of 1812 was a long time ago but I appreciate you bringing it back to us a little bit so well let’s see. My first experience.

I joined the Navy right after 9/11. I was a senior in high school and 9/11 happened.

I had been contemplating going to college to go into the military and I always wanted to go to the military but I had gotten a full ride scholarship to overshoe and I was very much looking forward to it. And then I got a surprise late late late in the year with no.

No. Well I couldn’t say no clue but little clue like 2 percent thought I ruled it out. So anyway had a kid.

And decided hey man it was it was stuff happens for a reason. Tasik celebrations. So then you end up with a kid you get a boy. So then I go to boot camp.

All right. So I’m in boot camp. We just. Army boot camp nine weeks I think.

Like I was there two weeks before boot camp actually started anyway. So we’re not there that long a few months you know long enough to tear you down. You know how big of a piece of trash you really are and start building your back up one small area at a time. So fly out of boot camp I remember I remember 2002 very well. Very very well so let’s see I turned 18 April 3rd 2002 I my son was born May 17th 2002. I graduated high school in May 20th 2002. A lot going on in 2002. I flew to boot camp August 21st 2002. I flew out of boot camp back to San Diego Calif. October 31st of 2002. I flew out of San Diego back into Oklahoma for the first time from joining the military on December 1st 2002. And I bought my proud Tulsa calibrations 1973 Hemi Barracuda that now sits in my garage on December 31st 2002.

That is a very busy year 2002 was quite memorable for you.

I’m very very very good year of many many new roads that I was going to go down that I had no idea what yet to come.

You know I’m trying to think I was out in 2002 so I was working for McKesson at the end of 2000 that’s when everybody thought when the when the clock ticks goes next year wait no it’s 1999 to 2008 the Y2K event.

Oh weird Al Yankovic had a had a heck of a hit off that one.

So I remember that or the company I was working for they were all trying to be prepared for it. And then when that after the first year is going to be a big crash and everything was going to go haywire. We’re working on robotic systems. And I didn’t. And then yeah that’s where I was at 2000 in 2002. So I guess I was with until now because. Yeah because I quit until 97.

So how did you how long. How did Intel bring you to Tulsa calibrations. Because Tulsa calibrations is extremely important. How did your thinking about all the calibrations you go and talk about it until more so.

So to see it all came to do interviews in Jacksonville Florida the year that I was getting out. So I’ve picked up a job there and when they paid for me to come out to Albuquerque and we bought a house and worked for Albuquerque for two years and got tired of Albuquerque because of all the crime and gangsters notice we haven’t talked about a single deployment yet folks don’t we we’re getting we’re getting there we got a lot of well we got 100 minutes to share with you today. Not much time left. But anyway Sousuke elevations curfew was a pretty cool place. I mean they had the balloon balloon festival. They have a balloon festival every year like in October some very cool man.

They do like Speaking of balloon festivals. Do you know that the balloon festival that for one year two years was in Claremore will Rogers Downes was going back to Broken Arrow and it is being held. June 14th through the 17th OK in Broken Arrow in Broken Arrow OK. Also calibration Yeah it’s kind of lame though compared to Albuquerque’s I’m armchair Albuquerque’s especially if you haven’t balloon withdrawals. I just wanted to let you know how you could get a fix right on Taso calibrations.

So yes Albuquerque those pretty cool place. But we finally moved out of there and came back to Oklahoma and that’s one of the job from a Kasson. And I did actually that didn’t last very long I think about it. I didn’t live very long at all.

So yeah. Started something different. Let’s get back on our deployments. OK. See you back on our deployments. So. So I fly back.

The beginning of 2003 back to the USS Bunker Hill. I can’t ever say I was in it for 10 years younger class guided cruiser guided cruiser. I want to say missile D story was not right. Guided cruiser and CD 52 still floating. I have kinsfolk on it right now. Wow. Right now I got a cousin. He just reported to his first command as I did to the USS Bunker Hill City 52. Right now she’s deployed overseas to go busking on the hills over the head. She’s on her way. She’s considered a major ship. She’s one of the few major command. She’s one of the few commands also calibrations that can sail anywhere around the world on her own. She’s also one of the few ships that can be the lead ship for the for the actual battle group.

Wow. They have.

They keep her around for a long time. She was the very first. VLF ship which is a vertical launch. As part of that. I’m sorry. That’s a that’s a vertical launch vertical launch as well because of the torpedo with rockets attached to the side of it that I used to shoot out of the realistic.

But the VLS vertical launch. What is the US. System system. Dang man sorry it’s been a while Ali. Anyway she was the first. She still big and beautiful and holds a heck of a punch.

And she’s floating around out there keeping us all safe.

Calibrations. Very cool. Very cool. Well that sounds like a pretty impressive boat. Lots of power. We’re almost to our third podcast so I’ll wait for the deployment speech until then.

So this is quite a good work up you know to this exciting deployment story.

Yeah it was it was a good deployment story man. Changed my life so I think we’re going to hear more about it. Yeah why not what else we are taught we can talk about Toji and I’m on the edge of my seat in Tulsa colourations Toji am.

Sludged Yan. Manet’s mustard. Tosa calibrations. We’re.